There are three primary questions you need to ask yourself in order to choose an Electra-Kool™ Filtered Ventilator Systems:
1) How much air do I need?
We stock seven different sized blowers at all times – from 60 CFM to 3000 CFM. Each model offers the highest recommended electrical cabinet or DC motor blower size.
2) Why am I filtering?
Intake air contains particulates of various sizes and types. We offer four different filter types, supplying coarse filtration to very fine filtration. Trying to prevent sawdust or sugar powder from getting into an enclosure? HEPA filter is the way to go. Only looking to prevent rocks and bigger debris from getting into a DC motor? Stick with a Metal Mesh Filter.
Remember: The higher the filtration level, the sooner the filter will get clogged and need to be cleaned or replaced. You can extend the life of your filter by utilizing a wrap-around pre-filter.
3) Will it fit?
We have cut sheet and flange dimensions for all of our blowers available below. Click the links and check your measurements.
Still have questions? Call us today at 610-251-0933 for your filter solutions.

Electra-Kool Model 60 – Moves 60 CFM
Available only with Pleated Paper Filter
Available only in 115/1/60
Electrical Enclosures: Up to 10 cubic feet.
DC Motors: Not Recommended
4” Diameter Circular Outlet Flange
Great for CNC machine panels!

Electra-Kool Model 150 – Moves 150 CFM
Filters: Pleated Paper Filter, Metal Mesh, Polyester or HEPA
Available only in 115/1/60
3-7/8” x 4-5/8” Rectangular Outlet Flange
Electrical Enclosures: Up to 25 cubic feet.
DC Motors: Up to 10 HP
Electra-Kool Model 500 – Moves 450 CFM
Filters: Pleated Paper Filter, Metal Mesh, Polyester or HEPA
Available in 115/208-230/1/60 or 208-230/460/3/60
4.75” Square Outlet Flange
Electrical Enclosures: Up to 200 cubic feet.
DC Motors: Up to 50 HP

Electra-Kool Model 1000 – Moves 1200 CFM
Filters: Pleated Paper Filter, Metal Mesh, Polyester or HEPA
Available in 115/208-230/1/60 or 208-230/460/3/60
6.5” Square Outlet Flange
Electrical Enclosures: Up to 500 cubic feet.
DC Motors: Up to 125 HP
Electra-Kool Model 1400 – Moves 1450 CFM
Filters: Pleated Paper Filter or Metal Mesh
Available in 208-230/460/3/60
9” Square Outlet Flange (rounded corners)
Electrical Enclosures: Up to 600 cubic feet.
DC Motors: Up to 250 HP

Electra-Kool Model 2000 – Moves 2000 CFM
Filters: Pleated Paper Filter or Metal Mesh
Available in 208-230/460/3/60
9” Square Outlet Flange (rounded corners)
Electrical Enclosures: TBD – we haven’t had a customer with a cabinet large enough for a Model 2000!
DC Motors: Up to 400 HP
Electra-Kool Model 3000 – Moves 3000 CFM
Filters: Pleated Paper Filter or Metal Mesh
Available in 208-230/460/3/60
13.75” Diameter Circular Outlet Flange
DC Motors: Up to 600 HP

All ELECTRA-KOOL™ Centrifugal Blowers are manufactured in the USA by Wayne Products in Broomall, PA.