Electra-Kool™ centrifugal blowers are often used to cool extrusion lines. Whether it be plastic, polymer, steel, aluminum, or another material, Wayne Products Electra-Kool™ centrifugal blowers are the perfect tool for maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the extrusion barrel. The extrusion process generates a tremendous amount of heat which can lead to performance and quality issues with the extrusions.
The customer below lined his extrusion barrel with a dozen Electra-Kool™ Model 1000 centrifugal blowers to maintain the proper melting temperature for his plastic extrusions. Our 1200 CFM, low-pressure, high-volume centrifugal blowers were the perfect solution to his problem – inconsistent temperatures along the barrel. The Model 1000 is the most efficient way to achieve the perfect temperature for his resin. He claims that Electra-Kool blowers are “half the price of competitors” and are “easy to work with – bolt-on, bolt-off”. We are thrilled to have helped him with our reliable and heavy-duty Electra-Kool blowers.