Electra-Kool™ industrial cooling fans will keep just about anything out of your electric cabinets, including wheat, flour, corn, or gelatins. Electra-Kool filtered blowers cool, ventilate, pressurize, and dust-proof electric panels in a wide variety of food processing plants. Our blowers are simple, bolt-on solutions that install quickly and save our customers thousands of dollars in operating costs each year. Wayne Products is proud to serve our food processing customers who rely on us to prevent expensive factory down time caused by dirty or overheated electrical components.

A gelatin producer called us in 2017 because the gelatin powder was so fine that it would get onto, and into, everything in their plant, including their electric cabinets. Their equipment was constantly overheating and shorting out and were looking for alternatives to an air conditioner. They found us online and have since purchased many more Electra-Kool filtered blowers for their various plants.

The Model 500 shown here is bolted to the top of the electric cabinet that houses the components for their gelatin blending and bagging machines. Gelatin powder is very fine and thus they opted to purchase an Electra-Kool with a pleated paper filter and prefilter, which are rated at 99.9% efficiency at 0.5 microns nominal. Since installing Electra-Kool filtered blowers on their electric cabinets, they “noticed our electric panel has much less debris inside and is running much cooler”. This critical blending and bagging process would not be possible without reliable electrical controls; Electra-Kool™ blowers are there to keep them clean and cool, thereby minimizing downtime and boosting efficiency.
We come to work every day to help customers like this and pride ourselves on making products that are long lasting, affordable solutions for our customers. This Model 500 appears to be at least ten years old, further evidence of the quality, reliability, and longevity of our products. Much less expensive than an enclosure air conditioner and just a blip on an electric bill, Electra-Kool™ centrifugal blowers are indispensable to our thousands of customers who have saved time and money using them for the past 25 years.